The Firmament
A Final Fantasy 14 Online Ishgard RP Community based primarily on the Crystal Data Center.
We're active, friendly, chill, LGBT+ friendly and we discourage lore snobbery. There are currently over 1000 members, and we have various kinds of interaction opportunities including pop ups, monthly market events, and roulettes!

Market Night
Market Nights - Every third Sunday of the month at 2pm EST / 7pm GMT in the Jeweled Crozier, Mateus. Please note, this WAS on Balmung, but has now been moved due to congestion issues.Vendors from all over Eorzea (and occasionally further!) come to sell their wares. We welcome all vendors and customers (provided they adhere to the server rules, of course). No actual gil to be exchanged - only pretend gil. Full rules are listed in the #market-event-rules channel on the Discord server.Please note, on occasion these are replaced with RP events such as IC balls or parties. The current monthly event is listed in the calendar on the Discord server.
Our Rules
1. This is a safe place for LGBTQ+ people, people of color, neurodivergent people, and those with physical disabilities. Any discriminatory behavior, including humor, is off-limits and non-negotiable. This rule includes but is not limited to the previously aforementioned groups. If what you're going to say seems inappropriate or discriminatory towards anyone, keep it to yourself. See rule 2.2. Don't be a jerk. No bullying, harassment, and vagueposting (venting about someone else in the XIV community without naming them directly). If you have an issue with somebody, please contact a moderator/administrator or take it to DMs. Do not continue with a conversation after a member of staff asks you to stop, no matter what. Keep it respectful in chat.3. No IRL political discussion. Do not ‘tell it like it is’. Do not push your opinions on others as facts. People RP to find an escape from reality, so please respect this. It’s not just about ‘agreeing to disagree’, it’s to stop these discussions from happening in the first place.4. To be in this server, your character(s) must have a valid reason to be in Ishgard and be involved in Ishgard somehow.5. Please change your nickname in the server to your Ishgardian/Ishgard related character's name! This helps us all.6. Keep topics in the right channels. It really helps everyone out and stops text floods when there could be something important being said.7. No NSFW content is allowed, because we can't guarantee that everyone here is over 21. The rules differ depending on your locale, so we are erring on the side of caution. Please don't do it. This includes Lalafell mods that change the anatomy to accentuate adult characteristics. Only upscales and completely SFW Lalafell mods are acceptable. For an example of an acceptable upscale, see here: Leave your drama at the door. There are plenty of other Ishgard servers that have plenty of drama, and we are aiming to make this as drama-free as possible. If it comes back that drama is being stirred, you will be spoken to and removed. We are all here to have a good time and to escape RL, and there's nothing fun about that. Additionally, please keep OOC and IC separate.9. You must spoiler and make disclaimers for certain content. This content is the following : Possibly upsetting content (noncon), and images/gifs/videos that contain anything that flashes more than 3 times in any 1 second(or is below the general/red flash thresholds). Please be considerate of others, and use common sense when determining what topics to spoiler. In addition, when posting story spoilers (from Endwalker patch content onwards) outside of the spoilers channel, please use spoiler tags and specify the type of spoiler. Example: (6.2 spoiler) hehe10. When posting screenshots or any artwork, please make sure to wait at least 10 minutes after the last person posted. This is to give everyone time for their hard work to be appreciated!In addition, when posting/sharing any artwork by someone else, please make sure to:
a. Properly credit the author/artist/creator
b. Have permission to repost by the said author/artist/creator
c. Note that AI art of any kind is NOT allowed.Please also note that simply stating "credit to creator" is not a proper way to credit. If you do not have permission to repost by the creator, then please only share the link of the original post. (Pinterest, reddit, Zerochan and the likes are not credible unless it explicitly states that the creator posted it).If the artwork you're sharing is your own work, then please make sure to state so clearly to prevent any confusion and miscommunication.If you need help finding the creator of an artwork, please note that Google Image search is available. Or feel free to reach out to the server staff for help. We must all credit where credit's due!11. Please obtain consent during roleplay. Do not join pop-up and event roleplays and start serious conflict (such as physical fights, intense verbal arguments and insulting of other characters, or threatening violence on another character) without getting the consent of everyone involved. If hosting a pop up or other event of any kind, be clear to those who come if there is going to be an intended conflict. We expect you to have a level of maturity that allows you to read the room and talk to players. Regardless of your character having reasons for their actions, you must be mindful of potential OOC triggers to the best of your ability and warn or communicate appropriately.--If you have any questions or concerns, don't hesitate to message ModMail or DM a(n) administrator/moderator. Thank you!
A selection of servers and communities and venues we like to work with.To become an affiliate, you must:Adhere to the general spirit of the Firmament - this includes a similar ethos.
Venue/community must not be NSFW, as per the Firmament server rules. This includes cafes/bars with ERP services on the side.
No actual exchange of Gil to take place between patrons and staff etc. only imaginary money to be dealt with.
As per rule number one of the Firmament - must be safe for LGBTQ+ folks. We won't tolerate hate from anyone.

Dragonhead'Dragonhead' is a RP initiative, to assist in facilitating in-character role-play and engagement within the open world. Our objective is to promote community activity that doesn't entirely focus on venues. Are you a noble? An adventurer passing through? Perhaps you are a merchant looking to peddle your wares? Given that the Observatorium is a central location between Ishgard, The Shroud and Mor Dhona, it is very likely to meet people from all walks of life at this humble locale.

The Nightingale's SongThe Nightingale's Song is a cozy but upscale cafe. Located in Ishgard's Firmament, it is our goal to provide a rustic yet sophisticated atmosphere with elegant drinks and cuisine.
(Parties of 6+ Please RSVP)⭐ Category: Café & Tavern
⭐ Server: Zalera
⭐ OOC LOCATION: Empyreum - Plot 7, 1 Ward
⭐ IC LOCATION: Ishgard, Firmament
The Annual Dragonsong War ArmisticeIt’s that time of year again! Join us on Saturday, June 22 for the third annual day-long festival celebrating the end of the Dragonsong War. Parade, vendor, bard, and dance card signups are open now. Joust and Coliseum competition slots opening soon! Prizes this year are a Sil’dihn Throne mount for the Joust and a Night Pegasus whistle for the Coliseum. Don’t miss the portrait artists and fortunetelling!Current server invite listed in #events.